After an extremely successful first edition in 2020, 2022 was the occasion for an enthusiastic public to hear 19 very talented and promising violinists from all over the world.

The Jury of this 2nd edition of the Alberto Lysy International Violin Competition has awarded the First Prize to Bohdan Luts, an 18 years old Ukrainian violinist from Lviv, currently a student of Oleh Kaskiv at the International Menuhin Music Academy.

His outstanding performance earned him the Audience Award as well.

A Second Prize ex-aequo is shared by 3 concurrents:

Mon-Fu Lee Hsu, Wassili Wohlgemuth and Simon Zhu.

Julia Smirnova was attributed an Honorable Mention.

This 2022 edition was supported by :

The Gstaad Menuhin Festival and Academy
The Menuhin Center Saanen
The Festival “Le bois qui chante”
The Gstaad New Year Festival
The “Alliance Culturelle Obersimmental Saanenland Pays-d’enhaut”
The Gstaaderhof Hotel

Linos classics was in charge of the audio and video recording of the event.

More information can by found on the website of the “Rencontres Musicales – Camerata Lysy” association: here

The competition videos will be made public on the YouTube channel of the association: here

the members of the jury and the laureates of the competition